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Live Music: Hollis Lomax + Navajo Jo

9.15pm Hollis Lomax - ‘Through a combination of off-kilter math pop, sardonic, barbed lyricism and idiosyncratic song structures, the four-piece willingly embrace their strangeness. Absorbing a variety of influences, ranging from Ought to Parquet Courts and Brian Eno to Talk Talk, Hollis Lomax constructed a sound that uniquely straddles the line between contemporary and retro.


Latest single, Past Time, exemplifies the band’s ability to produce endearing distinctive pop music. Twinkling keyboard sounds flutter in a dream-like trance, and are accented beautifully by jazz-infused percussion, wry spoken word vocals and chiming guitar notes. With their artistic airs, disregard for congruous or manufactured ‘band fashion’, and unwillingness to abandon melody in their construction of ‘post psych-funk-punk’ hits, Hollis Lomax are deliberately a little hard to define. But what they are certainly and emphatically not, is just another one of those ‘not just another indie band’ bands.'

8.45pm - Navajo Jo - “Papa Jo driving a minibus full of babies through the Navajo. Heart-wrench rock for the Onlyfans generation.”

Later Event: 1 November