A UK based skiffle pop trio, who have a habit of rearranging the most epic pop songs of all time into spectacular medley marathons...
9.45pm - Thrill Collins, festival faithfuls for almost a decade, they have been performing since 2010 entertaining audiences all around the world.
"Amazing! prepare to be blown away" - Glastonbury Festival
"Energy that can smash stages across the world" - Bestival
"The stuff of legend" - Cheltenham Jazz Festival
9pm - Deuxes - A soul/indie band of multi-instrumentalist sisters from London. The pair are described as having a sound of their own, featuring bold bassline and soulful harmonies. Often refered to as 'gems of the underground music scene.' They have played over 38 shows and festivals since 2015 (including Tramlines 2021)
For tickets please visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-thrill-collins-support-tbc-tickets-418911374197?aff=ebdssbdestsearch