9.30pm - Stone Blue - a group of south London blues rockers, playing covers our way. We play tunes from ZZ Top to Lynyrd Skynyrd and add our twist.
8.45pm - Vanabond - The Vanabond was born in Mexico in 1992,, son of an Egyptian businessman, and Mexican actress, brother of international DJ Betoko. Because of his multicultural heritage, and spending his years in Mexico, the UK, and the Middle East, he has developed an interest in creating music using instruments and sounds from around the world. He started playing the drums at a very young age, and soon enough he was touring Mexico drumming for the multiplatinum pop band "LU". But he had a dream to write and perform his own compositions. He then became the lead singer, guitarist, and main composer of a few different bands, and recorded 4 studio albums, with big names in the Mexican music industry, such as Leonardo de Lozanne, Poncho Toledo, Mauricio Garza, and others.